Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm super serial

It's been almost two weeks since the Hounds went home disappointed from the Monday Playoffs, and I've been spending all that time trying to figure out what went wrong.  Seriously, I haven't gone to work, played Rock Band, or even made sandwiches since that fateful Saturday in my quest to understand what the hell went wrong.

Well, after reviewing the game tapes, interviewing numerous witnesses, consulting Psychic Nikki and howling at the moon for 5 nights in a row, I believe I have found the reason why we lost.

Now, some may say that the short roster did us in.  Or that we were missing some key players.  Perhaps people have told you that we just didn't have "it" that day while Disc Horde just played better than us.

Those people are stupid.

The answer is so obvious that I can't believe no one figured it out at the time.  The reason why we lost is due to the most diabolically evil creature on the earth.  It is the single greatest threat to our planet.  I'm talking of course, about...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Consequences of switching nights

As the TUC Playoffs approach, I'm sure everyone is getting mentally prepared for Saturday.  Me, I'm watching the final scene of The Karate Kid over and over.  (One thing I don't understand from that movie is how a punch to the face is illegal, but a kick to the face is perfectly fine.  It makes about as much sense as the popularity of that awful band Hedley.)

But, let's look ahead to next summer for a quick moment. 

There has been talk of moving to Wednesday next year, which I think is a great idea. Right off the top of my head, I can think of a few reasons why we should:

- better competition
- no long weekend games
- time to recover from the weekend

But it's never that easy, as there would be repercussions if we moved days.  There would be some roster issues as some people are already on a team on Wednesday (stupid Berzurk!).  Plus, would the changing of the night that the Hounds get down to business affect Business Time?

Just something that you probably hadn't considered.