Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Guest Game Recap - Jules Winnfield

I'm not sure if you noticed, but last week Jules Winnfield was watching our game against the Big Kahunas. Apparently, he has found his way to Toronto during his whole "walking the Earth like Caine in Kung Fu" deal.

He was so impressesd, he asked if he could make a comment about the evening:

OK, so he was only there for The Big Kahunas BBQ, and didn't really watch any of the game. As long as he's not reciting Ezekial 25:17 to me, he can say whatever he wants.

This week's game

We're up against Oxygen Hazard, who we beat the last time we played, 17-5. Weather was definitely a factor that game, so we'll want to come out hard and assert ourselves.

The game is at Michael Power. It turns out they are naming schools after toys now...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I hope nothing happens

Tonight we are playing the formidable Banana Cream Pie at Flemingdon Park. From looking at their roster, they are pretty stacked, so we'll see how it goes. But hey, we have 10 people coming, so I'm sure we'll do alright.

Fear not: Grandma the Clown has some inspirational words for us about BCP.

The key to success for tonight: scoring more points than them.