Chris: "Hey did you hear there's a Snow Ultimate tournament in Hamilton? It's on March 17th and 18th"
Bonnie: "Really? That's so much closer than Sudbury. And didn't they just get a huge snowfall?"
Pierre: "I really want to make dragonflies in the snow."
Laura: "And I can bring my matching hat and jacket!"
Yes, it is true...there is an ultimate tournament in Hamilton on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day (March 17th/18th). It's called the "Divine Nines" as teams are only 9 players maximum on the squad, so we'll need 5 guys and 4 girls (it's 4/3 on the field). The cost is $180 for the team.
Now, our Snowplate bid flamed out (I blame Felix), but perhaps we can get 9 people together for this weekend.
If you are interested, please post a comment. By the end of the week, we'll see who's in, who's out, and then we'll go to Round 2 of the invites.
For more information, check it out here.
Bonnie: "Really? That's so much closer than Sudbury. And didn't they just get a huge snowfall?"
Pierre: "I really want to make dragonflies in the snow."
Laura: "And I can bring my matching hat and jacket!"
Yes, it is true...there is an ultimate tournament in Hamilton on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day (March 17th/18th). It's called the "Divine Nines" as teams are only 9 players maximum on the squad, so we'll need 5 guys and 4 girls (it's 4/3 on the field). The cost is $180 for the team.
Now, our Snowplate bid flamed out (I blame Felix), but perhaps we can get 9 people together for this weekend.
If you are interested, please post a comment. By the end of the week, we'll see who's in, who's out, and then we'll go to Round 2 of the invites.
For more information, check it out here.
Is this wise? A 2 day snow tournament with only 1 sub per gender and return to play an evening speedpoint game?
Why bring rational thought into this? We seem to play our best when we're dead tired.
My bad, my bad....hey! let's all learn how to throw while were standing on our hands!
First thing first: The website is bookmarked.
Second: I'm in for this Divine 9 tournament. Did I really have to confirm?
Third: Tien, I want you to throw one of these upside down throw next week, early in the game. I'll throw the backward one.
Chris: That Steve Sullivan moment is amazing. Probably the funniest hockey moment ever, with Owen Nolan's goal on Hasek at the All Star Game coming second.
I'm a definite maybe. I'll commit when Bonnie does. - Laura
I take it back actually. The Lotus/Capitals' women's Hat Tournement is that weekend. Pretty sure Nat, Lyanne, and I are all playing in it. Though playing in the snow kinda sounds fun...
Great work.
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