The first was when I entered the stadium and got me some beer from a vendor. Just as he gave the person in front of me his beer, he dropped a cup, which bounced all over the ground. He then put it back into his stack of cups, so I was a little worried about getting the soiled cup. I think he saw me staring at his stack, so he poured my beer into a clean cup. I just wanted to say "Thank you" to Philip for not giving me the dirty cup, although I'm pretty sure the next person in line got it. But I don't care about them...
The other event of the game happened because our seats happened to be right beside the Villians (Aston Villa fans...get it?). Well, as the game was winding down, so of course, people were talking smack to each other. I should mention that regular British Football fans are amazed by the fact that you can get as drunk as possible at a game England they do not serve alcohol at the games due to hooliganism. Here...they'll put away 8 tallboys no problem.
So, there was this one guy two rows ahead of us who was yapping at the Villians, and three of the biggest, dumbest ones walked over and got right in this guy's face. One security guy (all there was at the time) came rushing in to tell everyone to sit down. He did a pretty good job at controlling things, considering they outweighed him by about 50 pounds each.
Well, one of the Villians came back down and sat beside the yapper to discuss the finer arts of being a douchebag, when his bleached-blond girlfriend came down in a huff and screamed at him "COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Everyone had a laugh that Mr. Tough Guy was whipped as he was led back to his seat by his pissed-off girlfriend. To top things off, he then got tossed from the game (pictured below). Later loser!
It was a great game, minus the fact that Wynne and O'Brien both got hurt.
I wanted to be at that game, but my family doesn't know how to work a universal remote.
Woe is me.
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