You know what really grinds my gears? People who don't freaking signal when I'm driving behind them. I see you there, talking on your cell about how annoying Nancy in Accounting is while changing songs on your
iPod because you really wanted to hear that
Colbie Caillat song again because it reminds you of that summer before Grade 12 when you went all the way with that cute hockey player and he totally would have gone out with you except he was leaving for Michigan in a month and he was afraid of having to break up. Well here I am, stuck waiting behind you through the entire freaking green light when all I want is to get home so I can watch
OC re-runs and drink a few beers, but not all of my beers because the cheap-ass plastic bag from the Beer Store split open so one of the bottles smashed on the ground. What the hell? You people recycle everything, right? Try recycling up some tensile strength so my beer doesn't explode on the floor while I'm rushing through the door...and freaking signal! I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND!
And that's what grinds my gears.
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