Maybe our opponents feel the same way.
Tonight we start the Winter Season with a game against The Ultimate Volleyball Team at BMO. Let's get this season started with a big win against one of the other top-ranked teams.
To be honest, when I think of the Ultimate Volleyball Team, the first thing that comes to mind is Super Spike V'Ball, which I played a lot in my Nintendo years. My "team" was definitely the real Ultimate Volleyball team, as I ruled that game. I still remember my friend Shawn cheering me on as I beat the USSR to win the World Cup. It was one of the games that was usually in my rotation; games like Ice Hockey, Tetris, Contra and Baseball. I played V'ball so much that I changed the game lengths so it was a game of 5; after awhile I thought it was unnecessary to continually beat the teams 15-0.
So what does all of this have to do with the team we're playing at BMO. Uh...nothing.
I usually chose to play as the "tough" team, as they almost had the biggest spikes. That they were the worst defenders didn't was always fun to kaboom the crap out of all the teams. An excellent way to relieve stress. Oh Mr. McGee, you thought a pop quiz today would be fun...? KABOOM!!
Now that I think of it, it kinda makes me want to pull out my NES and take on the World Cup. You think it's okay to play like a jackass at your rec floor hockey game? KABOOM!!
In the Fall I think they competed in the Tuesday 5's League, which means they could be rusty if they haven't had a good run since December. I also played against them with I'm Idahucker in the Summer, a game with we won 17-8, so take that for what it's worth.
Hey Hounds....I've had a chance to play with the Volleyball team although it was last winter.
They're an athletic team so expect them to run hard and go up/lay out for everything. The Hounds definitely have the skill over them though. They also get worked up easily....they're still adjusting to the whole SOTG thing. Apparently it doesn't exist in volleyball.
Tien, I wasn't sure if I should say anything about their SOTG, but since you mentioned it...
Before the Idahucker game I flipped with their captain, who said to me "We don't really like to call any fouls." Well, the game started and they tried to call everything and contest all of our was so frustrating.
I think it was partly due to the fact that they had won the rest of their games easily, and we were killing them. I'm interested to see if they have improved.
Well whatever their attitude, so long as you don't let them get under your skin, you should come out on top.
Play chilly O and keep the disc moving....keep them on their toes. They like to run, make them run.
On D I think your best bet is to really cut off the in cuts. The "handlers" I've seen are not good at using the dump. Be aware of the last person back though.
Please give them a heaping of spite from me.
They certainly got a whoopin' last night.
42-11 must not have been fun.
What are you talking about Tyler? I had fun.
Good job Hounds. I guess it's just like playing on the Thursday team, but with subs?
Oh, *I* had fun. I don't think they did.
So who thinks we can get our +/- at a steady 75??
They had enough fun to give the Hounds a 7 on the SOTG scale....pretty ballsy, I say. Or maybe that's the problem. ;)
I had fun too. I like beating teams that argue about rules that aren't really rules.
7, WTF?
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