Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For us is bad news bears (Walter Matthau)

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch.

Seriously, that was a bit of a whooping last night. The offense was pretty solid, but defensively it seemed like they could do whatever they wanted. A lot of that is due to the fact that they are an excellent good team who has many different throws in their arsenal. Any ideas on what we could have done differently? Do you think the change to a straight-up mark helped?


Anonymous said...

I've come up with a couple good ideas of what we could have done to win last night:

1. Been a team made up entirely of Joel and Joel-clones
2. Gotten Mike List way drunker than he was. Pretty sure he was still under the legal limit for ultimate.
3. Yell "I'm a distraction" from the end zone.
4. Broken Frogger's other hand.
5. Step of the mark by a couple of feet so they can't throw around you.

Simon said...

Hey, you could swap "Greg Lang" for "Mike List" and the above recommendations still pretty much work for our June 3rd game.


Christian said...

Where's this week's update?