- June 1-3, 2007, Fergus, Ontario (North of Guelph)
- Party on Friday and Saturday Night
- $90 per person (includes the tournament, field rental, camping, entertainment on Friday night, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, dinner on Saturday, a party with refreshments and entertainment Saturday night, and lunch on Sunday)
- All proceeds go to Charity
Blender Party
On the Friday Night, there is a Blender Competition, wth each team supplying everyone else a Blender drink of their own creation. But it's not just about the drinks...it's also about presentation. Last year, I believe a team constructed a giant Plinko board (Drinko?).
There's a lot more info, so please check out the Gender Blender site at http://www.genderblender.org/main.html for more info.
So, if Ultimate, camping, drinking, and generally having a good time is something that you're into, please let me know. The Bid is due April 13th, so I would like get that in by the end of March.
If you are interested, please list:
1) Drink idea
2) Costume idea
3) Saturday Night Party idea
I'm sending this out to the Hounds first...we'll see who can make it before opening it up to others.
Another drink name suggestio....maybe to go after the "Year of the Dog": Tail Chaser
A "Best in Show" party?
A few drink ideas I had:
Purple Rain
Purple Haze
Salty Dog
I don't know how Blender-friendly they are though...
I'm in. I have no ideas for any suggestions but I'm in.
Derek Zoolander Theme:
Drink: The Magnum
Costume Idea: Male Models
Party Idea: The Derek Zoolander Party for Kids Who Can't Read Good.
Alternate Drink Idea: Orange Mocha Frappacinos!
Alternate Party Idea: Gasoline Fight
I'm sooo in.
1) Let's make a drink that makes you foam at the mouth and call it "Rabies". I also love the "Tail Chaser" chaser idea. Then we could have two drinks, which is always better than just one.
2) Maybe we can also incorporate face painting into our costumes. Dog faces.
3) I like Simon's dog race idea too. We could make it ultimate-y and have people race on all fours, chasing a "rabbit" (disc)?
This is a cool website. You can search the word "dog" and get a bunch of recipes for dog drinks:
Also, here's a recipe to make a foam (rabies?) drink. Anyone up for the challange?:
he creates a foam by mixing peach juice with a touch of lemon juice and peach bitters. He "blooms" (soaks in water) three sheets of gelatin, mixes them with the juices in a whipping cream dispenser, adds warm water, inserts two nitrous oxide canisters in the appropriate chamber, and chills the dispenser for two hours. Presto, foam-o. When a Manhattan is served with a layer of delicious, lightly sweet but slightly bitter foam, it hints of what's to come and gently paves the way to the gist of the drink.
I'm in...no ideas yet for Questions 1-3, but will post when I do.
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