Listen up boys and girls. The enemy is coming! They’ll be coming at us hard and fast, for just last week they conquered a foe that we did not. The achieved something that we did not. They beat Wasabi! Who know they had it in them?! Now notice the wording here: “we did not”. I didn’t say “we could not” because we all know that we could have beat Wasabi and in fact we led through most of the game, but then decided to go home early.
The Enemy’s victory over Wasabi will have definitely filled their sails and they’ll be coming at us full bore flying the Jolly Roger.
Ah the Jolly Roger….the call sign of pirates, a bunch of murderous bandits with no sense of honour and duty. Always ready for battle but not an all out war. So lets take the wind from their sails and bring them an all out war.
Fast forward a couple of centuries: “Ah, I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” Napalm….one of the more cruel developments of warfare. If you didn’t get burned to death by the flaming globs of goo, you were suffocated by the fire’s insatiable thirst for oxygen. And if you somehow managed to survive a napalm attack, you would almost certainly fall victim to infection because of the horrible burns that covered your body.
Hounds, lets be like napalm. Burn them with our offence: quick, smart passes that leave them with nothing to do but hang their heads; a combination of good patience and quick strikes that will leave them wondering what just happened. Suffocate them with our defence: don’t give them any breathing room, stick to them like glue; cut off all their throwing options leave them gasping for air. And if they still manage to score, lets make them sorry they did by coming back at them three times as hard.
So listen up! The Enemy is coming….keep your eyes open! The Enemy is coming….make ready! The Enemy is coming….and we will be waiting!
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