For those who missed it, we also handed out Paper Plate Awards for the past season (including significant others!), so here they are:
Cindy - The Jumbotron Award - For always keeping score (this has nothing to do with the back that she's 7 months pregnant. Nothing at all.)
Michelle - The Ultimate Widow Award - For dealing with my playing 2 nights a me always talking about ultimate.
Steph - The Soon-To-Be Ultimate Widow Award - Joel's back...hope you enjoyed your time with him!
Matt - The Pay-Per-View Award - For his parties featuring wrestling and UFC. Apparently it meant a lot to him:
Pierre - The Awesome Award - What else could it be?
Lyanne - The Accident Waiting to Happen Award - If there's a way to get hurt, Lyanne will find it.
Austin - The Real World Award - Finally finished school, now has a job AND a baby on the way. No baby steps for Austin!
Carla - The Half Full Award - Whether we were winning or losing, Carla was always positive and making suggestions for improvement.
Dan N - The Reluctant Handler Award - For his willingness to drop back and handle even though I know he'd rather go mid or deep. He was close to getting the Jacques Cousteau Award, for his affinity for throwing the deep bomb.
Tien - The Pylon Buddy Award - For always helping me put away the cones on the Field Hockey pitch...much appreciated. He almost got the Potty-mouth Award...
Nadia - The Cool as a Cucumber Award - For always being a rock in the backfield and never losing her cool (apparently this would have been unheard of a few years ago).
Christian - The Energizer Bunny Award - For never stopping on the field. That, or he's pink and bangs a drum all the time.
Laura - The Kick in the Ass Award - For helping to right the ship when the Hounds went off course.
Owen - The Endzone Award - For his domination in that area. It would have been called "The Thomas Granofsky Memorial Award", but Owen doesn't know who the hell that is.
Bonnie - The Incredible Hulk Award - Because you shouldn't get her wouldn't like it when she's angry...
Dan L - The No No No No Yes! Award - For always completing seemingly impossible passes. It was either that, or the Midvale School for the Gifted Award for best pulls.
Nat - The Rolodex Award - Whenever we needed a player (especially Mid-Season) Nat was always there to find someone to fill in.
Joel - The $6000 Man Award - Because that's about how much knee reconstruction surgery costs OHIP.
Simon - The Daddy Award - Others can be captain, or have kids, but we all know Simon is the Daddy of the Hounds.
Chris - The "The Man" Award - Because I have a penis.
Now, those weren't the only awards that were handed out. Simon out-did himself by awarding me a wicked Captain's Prize: the best bottle of Cognac one could ever hope for:
I'd like to think that the bottle is made for Snowplate and Gender Blender, but I'd be concerned about breakage. Otherwise, here I am enjoying my prize:
The final award was the inaugural "Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achivement in th Field of Excellence". The vote was close, but one person distanced himself with his dedication and rib-cooking. That person: Tien.
Here's a close-up of the award. Thanks to Bonnie for supplying the Mr. Burns bobblehead, and to Tien for helping me to affix it to the disc.
So, that about puts a wrap on the Summer 2007 Season of Release the Hounds. The Indoor Season starts in a month, and remember, the next outdoor season is only 6 months away!
Release the Hounds.
You had unanimous support when I proposed you for the position, and you proved why that should be.
The results, the knowledge and the passion. A true Hound leader.
Thanks again for the awards Chris!
And good on you for having a penis.
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