Monday, December 17, 2007

Shut up. That's why.

I admit I've been a bad little blogger. It's almost been a month since I posted anything on Release the Hounds, and Bonnie, Pierre and Christian are all making me look bad. So, why has it been so long since I've graced you with my presence? Is it because I'm lazy? Or just really busy? Umm...just look to the title of the post.

So, tonight we have a game against Superfreaky. My crack team of scouts tells me they are 2-1-1. Other than that, I don't know much about them. All I do know is that as a team we must support each matter how horribly inappropriate our actions happen to be on the field.


bonners said...

oh what the heck? A couple of weeks ago, I in first place in the fantasy pool by over 30 points - now I'm down to 5?

Shoot the puck, Staal!!

Anonymous said...

Write a post! I don't want to do actual work at work ... dammit!