Monday, July 30, 2007

J and K would like a word with you

Tonight we get a re-match with Mandrew, which will be a good measure of the progress of the Hounds over the past three weeks. Of course, the last time we played them did not go so well. The only term I can think to describe it would be “pooping the bed.”

I have brought the Men in Black to make a motivational appearance on our site to help us out. Please look at the light on the neutralizer.


You did not lose that badly to Mandrew before. They totally cheated and the score should not have been 17-5. You did not get shut out in the first half.

You may not win tonight, but you will not beat yourself. You will play hard and smart, and work the disc up through their zone.

Then you are going to get Pierre really, really drunk.

Oh, and there’s no such thing as aliens.

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